At YHS we are all about giving. We love to help out our people and give them the opportunity to really thrive! If you have just hurt yourself, here are 3 quick tips on how you can manage it immediately to maximise your chance of recovery.
STOP the activity that is hurting you ASAP! If you have hurt yourself and you are in the midst of training we need you to stop what you are doing. By pushing through pain when you are training you are most likely going to make the injured joint or structure more angry and irritated. Listen to your body and allow yourself some time to rest before attempting the task again.
Manage your pain – If you have injured a muscle or joint apply the RICE principle when applicable. Place some ice in a wet towel or plastic bag and place this on top of the area of pain. Leave on for 15 mins. No longer than 15 minutes as this can cause ice burns. What you can expect feel is a numbing of the area which will help to reduce your pain temporarily.
- R – Rest
- I – Ice
- C – Compression
- E – Elevation
Have a plan to get back to your best self. Find out what has happened. Find out how you are going to get back to 100% ASAP. Go and see your physio! Your physiotherapist is the best person to talk to about your injury. They are experts in assessment, diagnosis and rehab. They will help you draw up a plan on how you can get back to being the version of you as soon as you can through rehab. If you train at a gym or a team, make sure they get in touch with your trainer to help you get the best possible outcome in the fastest time possible.
Keep an eye out for the next part of this article where we help you understand how to manage your injury at training.